
General Information


The School Day

School Times

  • School start time for Reception to Year 3 is 8.45am - End of day 3,15pm
  • School start time for Year 4 – Year 6 is 8.50am - End of day 3.20pm

The School week is 32.5 hours in total.


Children who decide to have a cooked meal will choose from a menu daily. Parents will be able to select their meal choice up to 3 weeks in advance on iPayimpact online. Menus are available to view online via our school website, under the ‘Parents’ tab.

Children in years Reception to Year 2 receive a Universal Free School Meal and therefore no payment from parents is required. Please note, parents of those children taking a packed lunch must also indicate this choice on the system so that meal choices for all children are known and catered for. 

For children in Years 3 to 6 the daily charge for a meal is £2.20, payment is made for these via iPayimpact.

If your child does not want a school dinner, they can bring a packed lunch.


Here at school we use the online payment system known as ‘WEDUC’ which is very easy-to-use. It will offer you the flexibility to make online payments whenever and wherever you like, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - safe in the knowledge that payments are secure and use the highest level of card security and that funds will reach the school safely. 


Milk is available for all children.  Parents should sign up for milk via the Cool Milk website www.coolmilk.com   Children who are under 5 receive milk free of charge via Cool Milk. Once your child turns 5, you will need to make sure you begin to pay for the milk, as they will no longer receive one for free.   If parents are eligible for free school meals, where parents have applied with Newcastle City Council, school will pay for your child’s milk.  You will need to inform Cool Milk and they will verify this with school.


Children are asked to bring a named plastic water bottle with sports top to keep in the classroom. This must be taken home each night to be cleaned and refilled. Please make sure this is clearly named. 


Please note that if your child has been sent home due to vomiting they must stay at home for 48 hours.  Similarly if your child has vomited at home they must stay at home for 48 hours.  This is essential to ensure that bugs are not transferred to other children. Please report all absences via WEDUC.

Letters to Parents

All newsletters and information are sent home once a week via WEDUC. Parents will be automatically set up on WEDUC using the email address provided during the admission process. If you wish to sign up an account for another parent/carer then please email the office with the email address and guardian’s name in which it belongs to.

Administration of Medication

It is school policy not to administer medicines to pupils, other than in exceptional circumstances. 

Medicines should not be sent to school with your child. Courses of medicine, e.g. antibiotics, should be organised so that doses are taken outside of school hours. If you feel your child needs any medication, or they are put onto a new medication through the year, please contact the office for a discussion with our Medical Liaison Officer.

Changes to Collection Arrangements

We understand that things can happen unexpectedly and that you may need to make alternative arrangements for people to collect children at the end of the day. ALL changes to collection must be made via email no later than 2.30pm on the day. The email address is office@westjesmond.newcastle.sch.uk


Uniform items can be purchased from www.border-embroideries.co.uk Alternative sources for uniform are available from locla supermarkets. (Please see Uniform letter on website) 

Please always make sure all items of clothing are clearly labelled – thank you.

 Book Bags

The ‘Friends of West Jesmond’ have kindly offered to purchase a book bag for all new Reception children. It will be given to your child’s class teacher and sent home to you. For the first few weeks until the bags arrive, we will give each child a bag they can use which will fit in their school drawer and that they can use to bring their school diary in and out of school each day. Please do not send your child in with rucksacks or backpacks – they simply do not fit on our pegs. Again, please make sure all bags are clearly labelled.

West Jesmond Breakfast and After School Club

Here at West Jesmond we have our own on-site After School Club and Breakfast Club. The clubs are in very high demand and may have a waiting list. If you are interested in your child attending Breakfast Club or After School Club, please email office@westjesmond.newcastle.sch.uk with details of the days and times you would like your child to attend.

Breakfast club;

Monday-Friday 8.00am-8.45 am (breakfast included) Breakfast club is £5.75 per session

After School Club;

Monday – Friday 3.20pm – 5.55pm

(After School Club £13.50 per session).

Alternative Wrap-Around Care

There is a local breakfast and after school clubs that drop off and pick up from West Jesmond Primary. You may find their contact details useful;

littleacornsosc@gmail.com   07769 271066

 If you have any questions or concerns about anything mentioned in this information, please feel free to contact school on 0191 281 0000, or email to office@westjesmond.newcastle.sch.uk