The PE Curriculum at West Jesmond
Curiosity, Confidence, Creativity and Community
PE Curriculum Aims
The national curriculum for physical education aims to ensure that all pupils
- develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
- are physically active for sustained periods of time
- engage in competitive sports and activities
- lead healthy, active lives
We believe that sport and physical activity is vital in the development of our children. High quality and inclusive physical education plays a key role in the physical and mental health of our children and develops their confidence, communication and collaboration skills as well as promoting the key attributes of our West Jesmond Way. From the start of their time with us in Reception, we teach our children the importance of a healthy and active lifestyle and as they move up the school, our aim is to embed an enjoyment of and involvement in sports and physical activity that lasts for life. PE provides excellent opportunity for pupils to build on the characteristics of our Fantastic Five Qualities (creativity, risk taking, independence/perseverance, collaboration and reflection).
All children can succeed in our PE curriculum and scaffolding, support and adaption alongside high expectations make it fully inclusive. Our aim is to engage as many of our children as possible in the widest range of physical activities and sports in and out of school. In PE, we build up our children’s sense of community. Ensuring every child at West Jesmond will find a sport/physical activity that they enjoy and that they wish to continue to take part in out of school and in the future. We create links with local sports clubs and invite in coaches and specialists as well as encouraging our children to join clubs in the community.