
IQF Inclusion Quality Framework

Our attitude is ‘We can and if not, how can we?’
The Inclusion Quality Framework 
We were very pleased to be the first school in Newcastle to be awarded the Inclusion Quality  Framework in the Spring of 2023. 
The award followed a rigorous Self-Evaluation process and visits to school from LA Inclusion and SEND leads, local school leaders and SENCOs. 
Parents, children, governors and staff were involved throughput the process. 
These are some of the things they said about our school:
Inclusion is woven through all areas of the School Development Plan and is evident in practice.
Inclusion is threaded throughout the curriculum.
The ‘first 20%’ of pupils are at the forefront of all planning and decisions and it was evident that there is a shared responsibility for this.
The Inclusion Team in school  meet and collectively aspire to ensure all pupils achieve good outcomes. One member of the team said ‘Our attitude is ‘We can and if not, how can we?’
As part of the Governing Body, there is an Inclusion Sub-committee which acts as champion for the most vulnerable pupils in school.  Robust challenge is offered to ensure that these pupils are included in enrichment activities and are always considered first.
The school ethos was described as warm, welcoming and inclusive and visitors consistently talked about good communication.
School staff felt valued and that their contributions were important. There was a sense of all striving to achieve positive outcomes, whilst also evaluating how their practice could change. 

the relationship between teaching and support staff was seamless to ensure that pupils were accessing the learning.

Learning support staff reported that they are willing to take part in extra curricular activities if it supports accessibility for some pupils.

The school have created the role of Raising Aspirations Coordinator. This ensures that the pupils are preparing for adulthood and opportunities linked to this are provided from an early age.

The pupils were able to clearly articulate the ways in which they felt safe within school. They felt listened to and were able to communicate their ideas through the school council process, as well as feeling that school staff would always listen.
....examples of tolerance, kindness and inclusion. An example of this was shared by one pupil who described how a Ukrainian refugee was welcomed and given resources to make the learning accessible.

Staff and pupil wellbeing is a priority in West Jesmond and there is a designated Wellbeing/Extended Services Lead in school. Mental Health Champion training is taking place and initiatives are embedded such as ‘Chatty Tuesday’ to promote personal development.