Our aim is to engage as many of our children as possible in the widest range of physical activities and sports. Our teachers work hard to make sure that all children get at least two hours of high quality Physical Education every week.
We have continued to spend the funds on building up the ability of our teachers and teaching assistants to deliver the very best PE lessons in school, often alongside high quality bought in sports coaches and experts.
We have also focused funds to allow classes, groups and individuals to access different sports, some for the first time, to enter competitions and to develop skills through links with specialist coaches and clubs. Alongside Sports Premium funds, we use our school budget to employ experts to deliver in-school and out-of-school clubs that will introduce new sports to our school. We pay for travel and teacher release time to allow children to take part in the widest range of events and we will ensure we have the best resources to allow every child to take part a sport they will enjoy.
Inclusion: We believe all children should be able to access sports and physical activities. Our curriculum is driven by the ambition that all children will achieve highly in every subject. Sport Premium funds support the expertise of our teachers in ensuring we plan and deliver lessons for every child. Pupil Premium funds are used to ensure every child eligible for Free School Meals can have a free place in sporting activities.
Sporting Participation: Our children have the opportunity to join in with many curricular and extra-curricular sport clubs and activities. These include:
- Netball
- Squash
- Yoga
- Dance
- Cricket
- Tennis
- Football
- Athletics
- Basketball
- Taekwondo
- Cross Country
- Hockey
- Sports Leader Training
We compete and play alongside children in our Ouseburn Learning Trust and schools across our city and region. Our aim is that as many West Jesmond children as possible will be a part of at least one sports team during their time with us.