
Uniform information

West Jesmond Primary Uniform Policy 
The West Jesmond Primary uniform colours are navy blue and gold.
Our uniform is:

General Uniform (3 days a week)

  •        Navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan with or without the logo
  •        Yellow or navy blue polo shirt with or without the school logo
  •        Navy blue trousers, skirts or shorts
  •        Blue or  yellow check-patterned dress
  •        Plain black footwear
  •        Navy or black religious head wear

Coats and fleeces are also available from our supplier at parents own discretion. Fleeces should only be worn as outside clothing.

 PE Kit on PE Days (2 days a week)

  •        Navy blue jogging bottom or shorts
  •        School branded blue/white/orange PE top or own plain navy blue t-shirt
  •        Navy blue hoodie or navy blue hoodie with or without logo
  •        Trainers  (not ones worn for school on other days)
  •        Navy or black religious head wear
  •        Jewellery – a watch, one pair of plain ear studs only
  •        Makeup including nail varnish and lip gloss should not be worn to school.
  •        Hair colour and style should not be extreme
  •        On PE days, long hair should be tied back and ear studs will need to be removed for the lesson

All logo-ed uniform items can be purchased from:
WEST JESMOND PRIMARY SCHOOL - Schools (border-embroideries.co.uk)
Alternative Sources of Uniform
we have made sure that all of our uniform items can be purchased from local supermarkets. Please see the attached letter for on-line links. 

Support With Uniform Costs
If any family who is in receipt of means tested Free School Meals is struggling with the cost of uniform, please contact the school office and we can provide support with this. You can check your family’s eligibility for Free School Meals using this link :
Please can we remind parents to make sure all uniform items are clearly labelled with your child’s name.
We use the Community School Clothing Scheme for uniform recycling. Please drop off any surplus uniform to the orange clothing bank by the Year 6 entrance..