
Working Together To Keep Your Children Safe

Ensuring that your child feels safe and secure at school is a key priority. All staff, both teaching and nonteaching, receive regular training to make sure they have an up to date knowledge of current safeguarding best practice in schools. This includes studying and learning from ‘serious case reviews’. Training is provided by Clennell Solutions www.clennelleducationsolutions.co.uk and by the Safeguarding Leader (Deputy Headteacher Mark Dinsley). Members of the Governing Body and the Head Teacher also receive regular ‘safer recruitment’ training to ensure the selection process to recruit new member of staff includes important safeguarding checks.
Through our curriculum we teach our children how to stay safe, keep healthy, be aware of current issues and influences and be prepared to be responsible digital citizens when working online. 
The school's Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy is below:
Safeguarding Guide for Children
Through our work across the curriculum and in PSHE, we regularly teach our children the important of being safe. Our School Council agreed Safeguarding Guide for children and this is shared with classes at an age appropriate level. There is a copy for children to refer to in each class. 
If you ever have a concern about child safety or safety on the school site, please bring it to the immediate attention of a member of staff, so it can be responded to as soon as possible.
If it  is out of school hours and you are unable to contact a member of staff, you can report any concerns directly to Newcastle City Council's Children's Services here:
Within school our Designated Safeguarding Lead is:
  • Mark Dinsley - Deputy Head
Or additional Safeguarding Leads are:
  • Matt Ward - Headteacher
  • Gemma Jordan - SENCo
  • Sarah Matthews - Assistant Head
  • Helen Sykes - Assistant Head
  • Katharine Peggs - Assistant Head
  • Verity Groot - Bilingual Lead
  • Liz Thompson - Early Years Lead
  • Rachel Spanner - Extended Services and Well-being Lead
  • Allison Quant - Deputy After School Club Manager
  • Deb Malone - Deputy After School Club Manager
Newcastle City Council have many services to support the Safeguarding of children. You can find more information here: 
The NPSCC provides support and tips to help you keep children safe. From advice on children’s mental health to staying safe online, support for parents and what to do if you’re worried about a child, you can access information here: 
They are available any time on: 0808 800 5000
Online Safety
Digital Citizenship and e-Safety plays an important role in our curriculum in helping pupils learn how to keep themselves safe, in a rapidly changing world that is heavily reliant on the internet and the use of information technology.
To hep support you, and your child, with useful guides about e-safety, parental controls and becoming responsible digital citizens, the following websites provide a wealth or information and guides:
CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre):
Internet Matters
South West Grid for Learning
Parent Zone