
Welcome to West Jesmond

Welcome to West Jesmond Primary 

Thank you for considering West Jesmond Primary School for your child's education. One of the most important decisions any parent has to make in their child’s education is choosing a school.

We hope that this website will provide you with much of the information you will need to help you find out more about our happy and successful school. In this site you will find our Ofsted report, achievement reports and general information to help parents find out more about our school and the learning experience we deliver.

Why not follow us on Facebook to see a selection of the learning experiences, events and opportunities at West Jesmond?

We hope you will visit our school in Jesmond and speak to the Headteacher, our staff, other parents and the children themselves to experience our  school for yourself. Please contact our school office to arrange a meeting.

Reception 2026:

Reception September 2026 Visits

We will be holding tours for parents whose child is starting school in September 2026, during the autumn term (September to December 2025) ahead of the application process closing in January 2026. 

A link will appear below to sign up to one of our tour dates.

In-Year Admissions: 

We invite all parents interested in applying for a place at West Jesmond Primary to come and visit our school. Parents who wish to make an in-year application  for a Newcastle school must apply using Newcastle City Council’s ‘In Year application form’. For In Year Transfer information go to www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions or ask for a form from the school office. Our Governors consider each application using our admissions policy and current waiting lists. A place is offered, if there is a vacancy, to the applicant at the top of the waiting list. If we cannot offer you a place you will be notified by letter.

Further information about applying for a school place, admission criteria or transferring schools during an academic year can be found on the Local Authority web-page ‘School Admissions’. Information can be found on the Local Authority website about previous cohorts and admission information

There is a right for people to object about the policy to the Schools Adjudicator (OSA). See the Schools Adjudicator website for more information on how to do this. 

The Newcastle City Council website at www.newcastle.gov.uk contains all further information.



For more information you can explore our website. Why not follow us on Facebook to see a selection of the learning experiences, events and opportunities at West Jesmond?
You must apply for a place by January 15th 2025 via the Newcastle City Council website:
Please note applications are not directly handled by the school. Decisions about school places are made by the Council and not the school.