
SEND - Supporting Children with Additional Needs

At West Jesmond Primary School we believe that all children are entitled to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum. All children are encouraged to achieve their full potential and to be included in the social and academic life of the school. We aim to provide educational experiences that take into account the individual needs of all children, appropriate to their level of ability.
As a school and staff, we believe in an ethos where children of all backgrounds and cultures are welcomed and valued; all children will make the very best progress that they can. Our vision for West Jesmond Primary School, is to provide the community we serve with a truly outstanding school, consistently providing the highest quality of teaching and support for every individual child, in every year group.
To view our SEND policy please click on the pdf below.
For detailed information about the support we are able to offer for children with a range of additional needs, please see the SEND Information Report below. 

Pease see our 2023-24 SEND Report: Evaluating the Effectiveness of provision for pupils with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities

To find out the local offer - a way of letting families know about the services, beyond school, that are available in Newcastle upon Tyne and how to access them - please click on the link below: